Interior Design

15 Captivating Pop Art Interior Design Ideas

If the minimalist style of decoration is characterized by a range of lines and color shades, the pop style is something completely opposite. This style of decorating the rooms is inspired by the atmosphere made by pop singers, and is dedicated to the brave amateurs who want to be surrounded by a vibrant and cheerful ambiance. We will give you some ideas for this type of living room full of dynamism and vitality.

If you choose to decorate your living space in pop style, you should not be afraid of mixing different colorful colors. Do not hesitate to add yellow pillows to the red sofa, for example, or to add an orange-colored pillows to the purple armchair. The advantage of pop style is that you can rearrange the darkest room to look fantastic with a pair of decorations, for example, pillows with pop motifs, changing curtains in vibrant colors or adding objects that have the character of pop style … and that’s how you will have a completely different room with a pair of moves without changing your current furniture.










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