For about a week, we have been creating various collections of family room designs in different styles which you can find on the following links by the style title such as: traditional family room, contemporary family room, modern family room, rustic family room, mid-century modern family room and Mediterranean family room. There are quite a lot indeed, when you think about how many ideas you can get from each one of the previously mentioned collections.
That is why today, we gladly present you with the last collection of family room designs, featuring the industrial family room interior design.
Welcome to our last collection from the series of family room interior design collections which we have given a title of 15 Awe-Inspiring Industrial Family Room Designs To Inspire You.
In this collection, you are going to be introduced to beautiful industrial family room designs that originate from many industrial lofts and houses from all kinds of places. You are going to notice that even though the base style is the industrial, the following designs include a lot of small features from many other styles, but mostly from the modern and contemporary design styles. Enjoy!
Chicago Deluxe Duplex Loft

Atelier Loft

Modern Industrial Family Room

Yonge & Eglinton loft living

Loft Condo Renovation