10 Ideas Of Doors Decoration With Wallpapers

You all know that the wallpapers are great way to decorate your walls, but probably you have never think of putting it on a door. This can be very cool DIY to refresh your living area and put something different. This can be a great way to make a boring door shine and different than they were before. Just let your imagination do the work, you can use your favorite wallpaper as some scraps you have from other projects. Be unique. Make design of wallpaper as your own creation. It’ s easy to do and it will for sure be great project. The idea is to glue on the paper as you would on a wall by using wallpaper glue or by wetting the back. This is how you will start your project. Next you need to trip any excess and probably to seal the wallpaper using some clear lacquer. It is all you have to do,and yes, it’s as simple as it sounds. We bring you some of the great ideas and  some examples to show you how this can be a very cool doors cover with wallpapers you made or choose.


Dare to be different. Being the same is boring.

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