Maintaining and Protecting Your Lawn During Spring Time

We’re very excited for spring and now that it is finally here, you just can’t help but look at all those vivid green lawns in the neighborhood as you drive past them. It is just one of the ways springs makes everything more lively but how come your own lawn is struggling to look as clean and vivid as all the others in the neighborhood? As with many other things, spring paves the way for daffodils and what not and quite often they can start growing in your lawn and take away its clean, green appearance. But that is just one of the many issues that you could be having with your spring lawn. Fortunately, you can prepare your lawn and take care of it so that it is always vividly green.

Prepare the turf

Of course, the first thing you need to pay attention is the turf on which you have your lawn or you want to have your lawn on. While Musturf Turf Company has a wide range of turf maintenance services, you need to know a few things about your own turf and be able to take precautions that will create a healthy living environment for your lawn.
Maintaining a well-manicured lawn means that you can not allow any other weeds to grow in between the grass so vegetation control is something you need to do in order to prevent attracting pests to your lawn.

Maintaining the Lawn

Once your lawn has begun growing, it goes without saying that you need to consider mowing it. But the first mow of the spring is special. You need to avoid cutting the grass too short as it can weaken it during the early days of spring and cause it to have subpar color and stunted growth or none at all. To get it off to a healthy start of the season, applying some fertilizer is also recommended and the fertilizer of choice should be a type of slow-release fertilizer so that you do not have to do it often.

After this, you need to be sure that your lawnmower is good to go because you will have to trim the grass quite often, at least once a week for sure. Spend a few moments to tune all your lawn mowing tools and you will have a breeze.

Protecting the lawn

If your lawn is also the football field and the party pad, then you know the struggle to keep it upright. It is safe to say this lawn gets battered quite often and the soil itself can get compacted.
At this point, aeration is the only thing that can help you create some openings in the lawn turf and allow water and air to reach the grassroots and revive them. Additionally, you need to consider overseeding, or sowing seed even after your lawn has grown its existing grass. This can help close any patches that came to be due to heavy traffic.


Tags: backyard, garden, grass, landscape, landscaping, lawn, spring, turf

Author: Fidan Jovanov

Fidan Jovanov

A young enthusiast with a passion for home decor and architecture, I love writing articles that inspire and guide readers in transforming their spaces into stylish, functional, and beautiful environments.


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