Anyone who has its own garden will confirm that work in it gives immense pleasure and good effect on the health. And what if you do not have a garden, nor enough time to devote to it? You only need one plant to make a difference, and houseplants are created just for the busy life of the urban man. Gardening indoors is possible, regardless of the season and opens up a range of creative possibilities in growing plants.
Particularly interesting are miniature gardens in glass or other containers, within which occurs microclimate where plants can live in a more or less closed ecosystem. Gardens in the bottle or terrariums are very decorative, and they began to be used in the 19th century in England for the cultivation of exotic plants that need warm and humid atmosphere. Beside glass containers, can be used all other kinds of containers.
Today we present you one truly amazing collection of repurposed succulent planters, that might help you to create fascinating succulent planters that will beautify your living place. Take a look below, and see what can be used for this purpose. Have fun and create something productive!